24 January, 2012

My Chenta officially 23 !

Assalamualaikum . . .

Yuhhuuuu. Dengan bangganya, This is the first entry for this year.
I'm currently busy with my final examp.
Sebenarnya, paper da HABIS hooorraaayyyyyy!!!!

It's time to celebrate Chinese New Year.
Itu lah kelebihan nye kalau kahwin campur ni yeeeaa adek2.
My dad is Chinese and my mom is Malay.

On the 16th January 2012 yang lepas and terlepas.

It was my boy big day. 


 Heepppiii Besday Chenta

And at the same time, ada paper Athletic Training. T_T
Cancel semua plan, but on that day saya terpaksa berbahagia belanja him makan pizza.
Craving for mushroom sup and salad katakan. Pizza nya? Selamat disemadikan dalam perut saya. Hahaha

 Kenyang chenta ? Good ^_^

Bila perut kenyang, senang hati.
Move to the next stage. Jenjalan cari masalah. Huhuhu.
Kemana kami pergi , I-City. 
*Gambar terpaksa diprivatekan atas kehendak pihak tertentu. hahaha.

Sepatah dua kata to besday boy.
Ehem, ehem. Heppi belated besday dong.
Semoga sihat selalu and kulit cepat cerah. ^_*
Heeee ~

Ok lah, That's all from me. 

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