26 December, 2011

Love Is . . .

 The greatest gift

 Love is Perfection

 Love is to be with you all the time

 Love is Ego

 Love is Enjoyment

 Love is Teamwork

 Love is, I diet, U pun diet.

 Love is, Never Give Up

 Love is Patient

 Love is Thinking of you

 Love is Brave

 Love is The Best Medicine

tapi , kalau da putus love is MALAPETAKA ! 
Kalau takut dikhianati, jangan mengkhianati. 
Kalau takut disakiti, jangan menyakiti.

And lastly . . . 
Kalau taknak menangis, Jangan COUPLE. ^_^

That's all from me,
thanks for reading

Sumber : kisah cinta HJ story


Noor Maizan said...

love itu indah ;)

siti suraya said...

hehe sweett giler lah katun2 nie :D